In His Name Outreach – Monday, 7/30

This morning we set up and gave out starbucks coffee and cold water on the street… in His Name (Mark 9:41).  Mostly water, but I think when it gets cooler people will want coffee more.  We will also add cocoa to this mix 🙂

Someone came to church yesterday and told me how blessed they were that we gave them cold water on a hot day after they worked all day.  Showing people God’s love doesn’t require something elaborate, just a simple act of kindness.

A few pics from this morning…

Thanks to Cain, Judy, Zac and Emma for their service to the Lord today!

The Pentecostal/ Charismatic Movement

I found these statistics to be interesting and thought I’d share them.  The pentecostal/charismatic movement now comprises 26.7% of the world Christian population, and 8.5% of the total world population.  And to think, it all started in a small church on Azusa street in the wrong part of Los Angelos a little over 100 years ago.  God is fulfilling Joel 2:25 and pouring out His Spirit on all flesh!


christians by movement

Symbols of the Word: Hammer

God’s Word is a Hammer

Jeremiah 23:29 goes on to say, “…and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?”  

If you strike a rock 100 times with no break, and you strike it again and it breaks, was it the one hit or the 101?  God’s Word is like that, always working in our hearts until the breakthrough comes.

Some areas require only a little time of the Word hammering away, but other areas, perhaps a few years. God told the Israelites that when they enter the promised land that He would drive out the inhabitants of the land as they advance (Exodus 23:28).  If we expect God to drive out the enemy from our lives, then the onus is on us to advance… to progress… to grow… to develop.  This can only be down through time in His Word.  It is important to note how God said that He would drive them out:

Exodus 23:30: I will drive them out little by little, until there are enough of you to take possession of the land

Little by little… that is the nature of God’s work in our lives.  Sure, He does some things instantly, but in most cases, when it comes to character development and healing of the soul, God works in us progressively as we advance in His Word.  I grew up without much affirmation or expression of love.  It affected me greatly as I grew up and developed my personality.  When I was saved at the age of 20, God had to begin renewing my mind and healing my soul.  But it didn’t happen overnight and I can still slip into heeding negative self-talk if I don’t keep guard over my heart and mind with the Word.

What area of your life is the Word working to change?  Are you allowing it to hammer away and break off the hardened cover we used to self-preserve?  The hammer of the Word will challenge the self-preservation mode that we put on.  Breakthrough is coming; don’t stop submitting to the Word of God.  The truth will make us free… but first, it often makes us miserable.  In the end, you will experience great joy through the freedom it brings.

In His Name Outreach – Wednesday, 7/25

On Wednesday we gave out cold water in His Name across from the post office.  There were lots of opportunities to share Christ and invite people to church.  It was one of our busiest days so far.